Award-Winning Samish Bay Cheeses Two Years Running!

Did you know that when you taste the delicious artisan farmstead cheese from Samish Bay Cheese at your local farmers market or in our Bow, WA cheese shop that you are actually eating award-winning cheese?

Avid fans of Samish Bay Cheese will remember that last year, SBC walked away with rather high marks at the 2010 American Cheese Society competition.  The ACS is over 1400 members strong, and with stiff competition from esteemed creameries across North America, it was a huge honor for our Ladysmith Cheese to win first prize in its category of Unripened Cows Milk Cheeses.  Our Aged Ladysmith won second place in its category, and Ladysmith with Chives and Labneh (also known as Yogurt Cheese) were both awarded third place marks.

This year, with over 1600 entries in a variety of categories, we are proud to announce that our Queso Jalapeno received a second place finish in the category of Hispanic and Portuguese Style Cheese with Flavoring!

If you haven’t yet had a chance to taste our Queso Jalapeno, it is definitely worth a try.  We use the freshest jalapenos that we can find so the result is a fresh, mild queso fresco with the delicious addition of a fresh burst of heat.
